Pettinelli Financial Partners
Financial Advisor and Financial PlanningFinancial Services & Financial AdvisorsFinancial Services/Retirement Planning
Monday to Friday
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Driving Directions:
We are located off Hwy 101 @ Veterans Blvd/Whipple Avenue Exit in Redwood City, 2 Blocks South of Whipple Avenue on Veterans Blvd.
About Us
Our Value Promise
Our people, process, and passion inspire us to holistically serve our client families.
Our clients are smarter, more educated, and have access to more information than ever before. We believe that they deserve planning and service specific to their unique situation. From day one, we learn about our clients’ priorities and intentions so that their financial plan—and the investments and protection strategies therein—are driven by the clients’ inimitable circumstances and goals.
Too often, we hear from prospective clients that they did not have frequent enough contact with their previous advisors. Our standard practice is to meet with clients on an annual basis. Some clients warrant quarterly and semiannual reviews, but every client is given the opportunity to sit with a member of our planning team to review their financial strategy on a yearly basis. The review process is the cornerstone of one of our major principles: long-term accountability.
As an open architecture firm, Pettinelli Financial Partners has access to world-class money managers, proven investment strategies, and the highest rated insurance carriers. We also have a very experienced staff and strong relations with all our business partners, which correlates with our brand.
Team Approach
Since 2012, Pettinelli Financial Partners has been operating with a service team model. This approach includes several experienced professionals rather than one advisor. We find that this model allows us to provide better service and stay in close contact with our clients
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